Great game, great atmosphere, FPP immersion and munchy leitmotif.
Mechanic suggestion: It is fairly easily possible for one-card infinite combo (0 energy cost+draw-a-card while having a low card number), which overtrivialises the strategy . Maybe allow playing a given card only once per turn? Star Realms employed similar mechanism in deck building. Good luck with everything!
Please make so I can walk with mouse scroll so I can play with mouse alone. Except of this minor inconvenience this "early prototype" is great, artstyle is beautiful, gameplay is engaging, what's missing is story, bit more variety and balance. Although it has it charm and to beat the game, you actually has to break it a little. Would buy.
Interesting game! I found an infinite loop which you should probably disable: a small exploration deck with Twinkie Box and Scavenge allows you to Scavenge as many times as you want.
I really dig what I'm seeing here but definitely needs some balance passes. Game feels great when things come together but I find you really need to get a powerful combo or three going very quickly in order to have much of a chance of getting anywhere.
I am super into the game though, it is waaaay up my alley. Very excited to see where things go with it!
Thanks for letting us know. Please could you check the version of the game you're running? We were aware of some issues like this in the first versions of the prototype, but it was resolved many versions ago.
I downloaded the game just today and the winodws release is giving me an error telling me Unity.DLL isnt in the files and the game won't run. Is this just some sort of error? Or is it missing from the ZIP file
Not sure - we're not aware of any other users having this issue. Maybe a problem with how you're unzipping the file? Or maybe the download was interrupted?
I'm glad you updated this and plan to turn it into a full game! A couple nitpicks:
-You have cards with multiple (limited) uses but also consume. As it stands, the number of uses is totally meaningless.
-Wormwood doesn't work at all. You get normal toothpicks no matter what.
-There are sometimes weird graphical glitches where a card selection object will pop up, but no cards will be available. Possibly this has something to do with more than one other card selection object gets created at the same time?-
-Multiple stacked Seasoning debuffs don't seem to proc properly on enemy deaths. You get an inconsistent amount of Toasties - sometimes 1, sometimes 2, occasionally the correct number.
Anyway: I look forward to seeing updates and I plan to buy this game on 1.0 release!
This is by far one of the coolest games I've ever played! The mechanics are really solid and I found a lot of joy in discovering what each of the cards did without the game "hand holding" me the whole time. Thanks for such amazing experience!I hope you don't mind by I did a Let's Play of your ge and can't wait to stream it with my community. 😄
Hi! Thanks for the comment, and letting us know about those issues. We're aware that it's possible to find lots of infinite loops in explore phases. We'll have to update some of the cards to prevent this in the future, but please enjoy those infinites while they're still possible!
the replenish passive that that turn the bone attack from the passive that creates bones when you use food card into bone attack that applies the vulnerable. the i think its called rotted wood or something.
I had Growing Confidence, and the last card in my deck was Box of Twinkies, which meant I was in a loop of gaining max health with no end. God mode unlocked.
Is it the intent as you walk towards a transitionary door that you can't walk backward after a certain point before you actually cross the threshold? I've experienced this a few times - had a draw card benefit for opening locks so the need to backpedal to the pedestals was there most of the run, had to kind of trick the camera to see the X on the pedestal to place the card (soup kitchen for example).
Yeah, this is how things currently work. Could be something we could improve on in the future, but as a tiny team with very little time to make this prototype we've had to chose our battles when looking at which sides of the game to focus on.
This is such a fun deckbuilder! Really enjoying it. I did encounter a pretty severe bug in my last run. This happened after using the Practice Dummy to upgrade the Hug Attack (which has the accompanying PMA card) then the Frog Pick to forget a Roast card. In the next fight, the deck seemed to suffer an 'off by one' database error: all my Toasties appeared as stacked PMAs instead, and wouldn't leave my hand. The PMAs would sometimes reduce by one after the dodge was activated, but any action that would have resulted in a Toasty increased the number of PMAs again. The effect of the multiple PMAs didn't stack. Also notable: the Roast card 'forgotten' by the Frog Pick reappeared. (It was definitely the same Roast card, all the others in that deck had been upgraded.) I hope this is helpful, and I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks for a fun game!
Thanks so much for passing this along to us. We've added this to our known issues and are working on trying to replicate this issue so we can resolve it.
Encountered a bug in which the Rations card (+2 energy, draw a card) is consistently only providing 1 energy. This is true whether I am at 2/3 energy or 1/3 energy (I thought maybe in exploration you can't exceed 3 but I don't think that's the case in other interactions)
We did play around with making Rations +1 energy for 0 cost, but rather went with it having some cost, forcing you to be mindful about when you play it!
I have just experienced a run killing bug. In the end of the 2nd chamber, I chose to enter the Toad chamber to forget a card. While there, and before I entered the goop in the middle, I placed a Toad Shrine down, the game pulled me to the shrine (as intended), but also activated the goop toad. This caused the entire hand of potential cards I could choose to be forgotten to all be deleted, and I just had to select "No Thanks" on both shrines with 0 options to forget any cards.
After this, my explore deck did not generate me a hand, however those cards were not forgotten. I approached the next battle with 3 cards left in my deck.
Hi! Glad you're enjoying the game - great to hear.
Thanks for letting us know about this bug. Could you check what version of the game you're on? This issue sounds like something that was resolved quite a few versions ago.
Just finished the game on the latest patch! Nice work! A few notes:
Bug: If you have a single twinkie in your hand and play it to draw another twinkie they will both be discarded. Expected to be able to play the newly drawn twinkie.
Bug: The card that lets you draw when you get a mood does not trigger when you get a mood that goes into a stack. Example: Draws on your first Repressed Rage, but not the second.
Bug: If you add another attack to Sneak Attack it will go attack - add vulnerability - attack. Expected it to add vulnerability and then attack twice.
Possible bug: Food that only raises Max HP or similar doesn't seem to trigger cards that rely on eating such as Ravenous.
Possible bug: I don't think having two Bucklers at the same time gave me 6 dodge, but it was hard to tell. Would be nice to have your dodge number visible.
Having a hand with 40 cards at the same time is barely playable. Would be nice if they compressed into smaller hands that you can switch between or similar.
It would be nice if you could see the names of the enemies on screen.
The lock flail is a bit weak for 2 energy, compared to Inferno for example. Especially given that it requires you to draw and expend a lockpick.
I found an hilariously broken combo with two Twinkie Boxes, Ravenous and Staple Diet. Infinite draw, HP, max HP and energy, =)
Can we get a key press to play a highlighted card? I just ended an infinite toothpick run because I hit the spacebar accidentally, and click-draging a stack of eighty toothpicks is a bit tedious. Would be nice to be able to hover over a stack of cards and spam a key to play them! If that already exists, maybe a tutorial should be on your radar!
i am a new fan now. i really like games which use cards in their mechanics and making a build in first run has already been fun!! also the artstyle is soooo cool i like monsters' desing too!!
This is really fun! I loved the art and concept. Building the two decks that support each other is a nice twist. One issue, the training dummy can be played over itself on the same camp pedestal. The way the ui overlaps the dummy makes me think that's a bug. I haven't checked if that's possible with other camp cards. A couple things that aren't bugs but might not be intended design either: If your hand and discard pile are empty then any card that gives you draw can draw itself. If that card happens to cost zero you can just play it forever. It's also possible to make a semi-infinite loop out of combat. A few cards that shuffle your deck and a few cards that give you mana can let you play your whole deck several times before you get a bad draw. On the other hand, that's pretty hard to set up and feels like a fun reward for making a strong deck.
Really great prototype! I'll be excited to see how it develops.
We are working on improving performance! Hopefully the coming build will give you more control over your graphics settings and then you can maybe like the game too :P
me and my friend finished with 360-something max HP, but only 76 Hp, even tho we got to the final fight with full health.
We buffed the poke that does 3 hits up to 37 damage, so it hit with 111! we used a lot of cards that would buff and we ate, like that weird sowrd and troufh barf.
The game's pretty fun, but there are a lot of glitches and every run ends up feeling almost entirely the same. The final boss is an insane power spike and incredibly frustrating to fight against - unless your build only has like 5 cards, you can die by getting bad RNG 2 or 3 times in a row, even while having a decent build (I had a 120dmg card and 140 health and still died because the boss dealt 40dmg to me 3 times in a row without the 120dmg card appearing)
Well, the last boss dies almost immediately if you have the skill that makes kicks out of unspent energy during the exploration phase. It takes away its ability to evolve. Only way I've ever beaten the thing =) Edit: Well, speak of the devil. Got a perfect snowballing combo going where a free card would do damage and then draw itself infinitely. The final boss has fallen!
A great and fun game with tons of potential - im a big fan of card and roguelike games and this one is doing both amazingly with a very appealing and cute/creepy art stle. played for like 6-8 hours and had tons of fun. The deck archtypes are interesting and make the runs feel different - eating the monsters, multiplying damage or getting damage.
I know its an early state but right now the game lacks variety - I think it would benefit from a procedurally generated map, different foresights and more archtypes. (maybe resummon dead shrooms to help you)
bugs - ive seen some minor bugs but the game runs smoothly and never crashed. You cant undo a card you chose at the puppet, the choice when you buff a card is wobly and cant focus sometimes(the highlight frame is fine but the card selection isnt always on point).
Thanks for the great experience, Hope it develops into a full game
Good luck team lazerbeam :) im rooting for ya and gonna wishlist and buy it when its out
I had so much fun with this! The graphics & art looks amazing! Love the added details and vibrancy of the environment. The monster design is really cool as well! Love the different types of cards! You can really create your deck in many different ways! Overall, this is an amazing prototype and I have this gets turned into a full game!
I know your still early in development but can you make a chromeOS download (if possible) I'd really love to play this game on my chromebook when I'm not at my main PC (Great game btw, keep up the good work!)
This game is so so good, im so impressed. The graphics and little details are amazing and eye-pleasing. I usually don't play games like this but oh god, its good. I hope you're gonna get paid well <3
Lots of fun! I got a Hot Poker to deal 27+38 damage 5 times and I one shot the last boss on the first turn! I can't wait for the full release.
I saw a couple bugs on v0.4.23:
I couldn't switch my card using the training dummy. That's how I got stuck with the 5 hit Hot Poker. Luckily, it paid off though!
I killed a loot enemy and after selecting an item, it broke my card draw combo. I couldn't receive any more cards from my deck even though I was supposed to.
Killing a loot enemy will sometimes show a floating stack of damage numbers even after all enemies have been slain.
I'm not sure if the upgrade vendors are working correctly. The one that offers cards for food seems to take more of my Toasty Kebabs that I expect.
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twinkies and growing confidence :)
Great combo!
Twinkies, Five Billion Scavenge, And Growing Confidence :)
Great game, great atmosphere, FPP immersion and munchy leitmotif.
Mechanic suggestion: It is fairly easily possible for one-card infinite combo (0 energy cost+draw-a-card while having a low card number), which overtrivialises the strategy . Maybe allow playing a given card only once per turn? Star Realms employed similar mechanism in deck building.
Good luck with everything!
Please make so I can walk with mouse scroll so I can play with mouse alone.
Except of this minor inconvenience this "early prototype" is great, artstyle is beautiful, gameplay is engaging, what's missing is story, bit more variety and balance. Although it has it charm and to beat the game, you actually has to break it a little.
Would buy.
Interesting game! I found an infinite loop which you should probably disable: a small exploration deck with Twinkie Box and Scavenge allows you to Scavenge as many times as you want.
I really dig what I'm seeing here but definitely needs some balance passes. Game feels great when things come together but I find you really need to get a powerful combo or three going very quickly in order to have much of a chance of getting anywhere.
I am super into the game though, it is waaaay up my alley. Very excited to see where things go with it!
Softlocks me in a black screen before the game starts sometimes. (I have to shut down my computer BC it doesn't let me close the tab manually.)
Thanks for letting us know. Please could you check the version of the game you're running? We were aware of some issues like this in the first versions of the prototype, but it was resolved many versions ago.
By the look of it, it seems to be 0.4.30. (That's the number on the file, so-)
I downloaded the game just today and the winodws release is giving me an error telling me Unity.DLL isnt in the files and the game won't run. Is this just some sort of error? Or is it missing from the ZIP file
Not sure - we're not aware of any other users having this issue. Maybe a problem with how you're unzipping the file? Or maybe the download was interrupted?
I'm glad you updated this and plan to turn it into a full game! A couple nitpicks:
-You have cards with multiple (limited) uses but also consume. As it stands, the number of uses is totally meaningless.
-Wormwood doesn't work at all. You get normal toothpicks no matter what.
-There are sometimes weird graphical glitches where a card selection object will pop up, but no cards will be available. Possibly this has something to do with more than one other card selection object gets created at the same time?-
-Multiple stacked Seasoning debuffs don't seem to proc properly on enemy deaths. You get an inconsistent amount of Toasties - sometimes 1, sometimes 2, occasionally the correct number.
Anyway: I look forward to seeing updates and I plan to buy this game on 1.0 release!
This is by far one of the coolest games I've ever played! The mechanics are really solid and I found a lot of joy in discovering what each of the cards did without the game "hand holding" me the whole time. Thanks for such amazing experience!I hope you don't mind by I did a Let's Play of your ge and can't wait to stream it with my community. 😄
Thanks so much for the great feedback, and for making this Let's Play. Stoked to watch it!
Nice game, artstyle W, but I found bugs for infinite max hp gain and throwing power-ups on cards. I can throw videos if necessary.
Hi! Thanks for the comment, and letting us know about those issues. We're aware that it's possible to find lots of infinite loops in explore phases. We'll have to update some of the cards to prevent this in the future, but please enjoy those infinites while they're still possible!
the rotting bone passive appear to be broken it does not replace the bones like it's supposed to.
Not sure what this means - did you leave this comment on the right game? What is the "rotting bone passive"? What does it mean to "replace the bones"?
the replenish passive that that turn the bone attack from the passive that creates bones when you use food card into bone attack that applies the vulnerable. the i think its called rotted wood or something.
I had Growing Confidence, and the last card in my deck was Box of Twinkies, which meant I was in a loop of gaining max health with no end. God mode unlocked.
Nice! There are currently some wild infinites to be found in Explore mode!
Love this game with passion, the artstyle is incredible!!!
Thank you so much! So god to hear that!
I love the vision and direction of this game, and I am really excited to see where this goes. Such a great premise, it's a lot of fun!!
Thank you! This kind of encouraging feedback means so much to us!
Is it the intent as you walk towards a transitionary door that you can't walk backward after a certain point before you actually cross the threshold? I've experienced this a few times - had a draw card benefit for opening locks so the need to backpedal to the pedestals was there most of the run, had to kind of trick the camera to see the X on the pedestal to place the card (soup kitchen for example).
Yeah, this is how things currently work. Could be something we could improve on in the future, but as a tiny team with very little time to make this prototype we've had to chose our battles when looking at which sides of the game to focus on.
This is such a fun deckbuilder! Really enjoying it. I did encounter a pretty severe bug in my last run. This happened after using the Practice Dummy to upgrade the Hug Attack (which has the accompanying PMA card) then the Frog Pick to forget a Roast card. In the next fight, the deck seemed to suffer an 'off by one' database error: all my Toasties appeared as stacked PMAs instead, and wouldn't leave my hand. The PMAs would sometimes reduce by one after the dodge was activated, but any action that would have resulted in a Toasty increased the number of PMAs again. The effect of the multiple PMAs didn't stack. Also notable: the Roast card 'forgotten' by the Frog Pick reappeared. (It was definitely the same Roast card, all the others in that deck had been upgraded.) I hope this is helpful, and I'm happy to answer any questions. Thanks for a fun game!
Thanks so much for passing this along to us. We've added this to our known issues and are working on trying to replicate this issue so we can resolve it.
Encountered a bug in which the Rations card (+2 energy, draw a card) is consistently only providing 1 energy. This is true whether I am at 2/3 energy or 1/3 energy (I thought maybe in exploration you can't exceed 3 but I don't think that's the case in other interactions)
Hi. This isn't a bug; rations has a cost of 1 energy, so using it will increase your current energy by 1.
Oh Duh! omg I have hundreds of hours into deckbuilders and I missed this....sorry!
Haha, it's easy to miss!
We did play around with making Rations +1 energy for 0 cost, but rather went with it having some cost, forcing you to be mindful about when you play it!
Firstly, just wanna clarify I love this game.
I have just experienced a run killing bug. In the end of the 2nd chamber, I chose to enter the Toad chamber to forget a card. While there, and before I entered the goop in the middle, I placed a Toad Shrine down, the game pulled me to the shrine (as intended), but also activated the goop toad. This caused the entire hand of potential cards I could choose to be forgotten to all be deleted, and I just had to select "No Thanks" on both shrines with 0 options to forget any cards.
After this, my explore deck did not generate me a hand, however those cards were not forgotten. I approached the next battle with 3 cards left in my deck.
Wanted to give a heads up!
Hi! Glad you're enjoying the game - great to hear.
Thanks for letting us know about this bug. Could you check what version of the game you're on? This issue sounds like something that was resolved quite a few versions ago.
Im on the halloween patch I believe? l installed the most recent patch last Thursday.
They could be an issue with installation but I'm pretty confident I'm on the latest patch.
BTW, the version number is in the file name, or can be seen in the bottom left of the screne if you pause the game.
This game is amazing, looking forward to the full game
Thank you for playing, and for the encouraging feedback!
Haha! Thanks for the soul!
Just finished the game on the latest patch! Nice work! A few notes:
Thanks again for an excellent game!
Love this game, have been playing since launch.
Can we get a key press to play a highlighted card? I just ended an infinite toothpick run because I hit the spacebar accidentally, and click-draging a stack of eighty toothpicks is a bit tedious. Would be nice to be able to hover over a stack of cards and spam a key to play them! If that already exists, maybe a tutorial should be on your radar!
i am a new fan now. i really like games which use cards in their mechanics and making a build in first run has already been fun!! also the artstyle is soooo cool i like monsters' desing too!!
Wow, this was so much fun! I can't wait for the full game - so much amazing art and such a fun twist on a deckbuilding roguelike in this little demo. I wrote a little blurb about it for an article:
This rocks. Can't wait to buy the full game when it comes out!
Thank you so much! So encouraging to hear that!
We're on the cusp of dropping an update to the prototype, so please keep an eye on the project!
This is really fun! I loved the art and concept. Building the two decks that support each other is a nice twist.
One issue, the training dummy can be played over itself on the same camp pedestal. The way the ui overlaps the dummy makes me think that's a bug. I haven't checked if that's possible with other camp cards.
A couple things that aren't bugs but might not be intended design either:
If your hand and discard pile are empty then any card that gives you draw can draw itself. If that card happens to cost zero you can just play it forever.
It's also possible to make a semi-infinite loop out of combat. A few cards that shuffle your deck and a few cards that give you mana can let you play your whole deck several times before you get a bad draw. On the other hand, that's pretty hard to set up and feels like a fun reward for making a strong deck.
Really great prototype! I'll be excited to see how it develops.
It lagged horribly when I tried playing it. I like the concept though.
Try lowering the resolution, or disabling AO if your machine struggles with the game.
We are working on improving performance! Hopefully the coming build will give you more control over your graphics settings and then you can maybe like the game too :P
just looking at the screenshots and the video, i like how you made the ground. is everything made as cards, or a flat plane with shaders?
Thanks for the positive feedback!
Yes, all the elements are illustrated 2D elements that we place in 3d space.
me and my friend finished with 360-something max HP, but only 76 Hp, even tho we got to the final fight with full health.
We buffed the poke that does 3 hits up to 37 damage, so it hit with 111! we used a lot of cards that would buff and we ate, like that weird sowrd and troufh barf.
missed opportunity to say "spores of unique enemies"
... you could include that in the trailer!
The game's pretty fun, but there are a lot of glitches and every run ends up feeling almost entirely the same. The final boss is an insane power spike and incredibly frustrating to fight against - unless your build only has like 5 cards, you can die by getting bad RNG 2 or 3 times in a row, even while having a decent build (I had a 120dmg card and 140 health and still died because the boss dealt 40dmg to me 3 times in a row without the 120dmg card appearing)
Well, the last boss dies almost immediately if you have the skill that makes kicks out of unspent energy during the exploration phase. It takes away its ability to evolve. Only way I've ever beaten the thing =)
Edit: Well, speak of the devil. Got a perfect snowballing combo going where a free card would do damage and then draw itself infinitely. The final boss has fallen!
I’ve been playing it for hours at a time, great game and a pretty clear artstyle. Love the prototype <3
So great to hear! Glad your enjoying the initial prototype! Please keep an eye on the project as we keep working on it!
A great and fun game with tons of potential - im a big fan of card and roguelike games and this one is doing both amazingly with a very appealing and cute/creepy art stle. played for like 6-8 hours and had tons of fun.
The deck archtypes are interesting and make the runs feel different - eating the monsters, multiplying damage or getting damage.
I know its an early state but right now the game lacks variety - I think it would benefit from a procedurally generated map, different foresights and more archtypes. (maybe resummon dead shrooms to help you)
bugs - ive seen some minor bugs but the game runs smoothly and never crashed. You cant undo a card you chose at the puppet, the choice when you buff a card is wobly and cant focus sometimes(the highlight frame is fine but the card selection isnt always on point).
Thanks for the great experience, Hope it develops into a full game
Good luck team lazerbeam :) im rooting for ya and gonna wishlist and buy it when its out
i look forward to the steam release <3
Show post...
I had so much fun with this! The graphics & art looks amazing! Love the added details and vibrancy of the environment. The monster design is really cool as well! Love the different types of cards! You can really create your deck in many different ways! Overall, this is an amazing prototype and I have this gets turned into a full game!
I know your still early in development but can you make a chromeOS download (if possible) I'd really love to play this game on my chromebook when I'm not at my main PC (Great game btw, keep up the good work!)
This game is so so good, im so impressed. The graphics and little details are amazing and eye-pleasing. I usually don't play games like this but oh god, its good. I hope you're gonna get paid well <3
Lots of fun! I got a Hot Poker to deal 27+38 damage 5 times and I one shot the last boss on the first turn! I can't wait for the full release.
I saw a couple bugs on v0.4.23:
I couldn't switch my card using the training dummy. That's how I got stuck with the 5 hit Hot Poker. Luckily, it paid off though!
I killed a loot enemy and after selecting an item, it broke my card draw combo. I couldn't receive any more cards from my deck even though I was supposed to.
Killing a loot enemy will sometimes show a floating stack of damage numbers even after all enemies have been slain.
I'm not sure if the upgrade vendors are working correctly. The one that offers cards for food seems to take more of my Toasty Kebabs that I expect.