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This game is so much fun. I love it!


Thank you so much!

I have played this game multiple times and it is really fun. The only thing that sucks is if you ever go up against two of the shield dudes, it is virtually impossible to win and your run is dead. There is almost no way to keep up with 4 shields every turn. Hope you guys come out with a full game.

Hi there, thanks so much for the positive feedback - great to hear!

If we can offer a tip to help with your spell shield woes; if you're running into more than one tiny tentacles (the little shroom that generates shields) it means you let one escape from your previous combat, so always focus your attacks and debuffs on Tiny Tentacles and prevent them from fleeing.

Thanks again for playing and for the great feedback!

Just beat the game, kinda expected some plot twist like us turning into the shroom king after beating the final boss cuz of how we slowly transforming as we're progressing through the game but it's a fun game with great cartoonish arts! I hope it will be more than just a prototype

Thanks so much!

(3 edits)

Bug: If you have both slots of the stations full with 2 campfires or 2 practice dummies (or with anything) then refresh the deck and then try to play another station then the card will do the animation of being used but instead all your deck will disappear and you will be soft locked if you haven't unlocked the door.

Edit: It actually happens when you use a key bash or use another station on an already used station, it doesn't have to be the 2 slots full

by the way, this is a really fun game, even if it was made in only 7 days I see a lot of future to this project,  good job guys.

Hi there. Thanks for the kind words, and heads up on this bug. Tried to recreate this issue, and doesn't seem to be possible anymore, so this issue will be fixed in the next update.

Is it just me or does the replenish on the minor growth not trigger?

Hi Tony,

Cards with replenish should automatically draw another card when drawn.

On Minor Growth we've already changed it to "draw 1 card when played", so that card will play slightly differently in our next update.




I freaking love this game!

This is such an amazingly fun card building game. Inscryption is shaking!!!

I've found some balance issues tho. That one giant monster dude who adds 30 shield on every second attack and deals 12 damages afterwards welll.....I was stuck there dealing a maximum of 22 damage per turn but I wasn't able to do so every single turn, so I ended up fighting him for like 20 minutes trying to get lucky with card draws.

But even with that this is such a good game! In 14 days? really?! Wizards! You guys are Wizards!


Hi HakanBacon

Thanks heaps for this very encouraging comment.

Regarding finding that enemy too hard, are you talking about the final boss?  If so, they should only be adding 2 shield on turns when they summon reinforcements. If they were adding 30 shield every 2 turns something very strange happened. We're not aware of any bugs where anything like that happens, but if you do see this again please grab a screenshot and send it our way!

Thanks again for playing, and for the great feedback!


Just finished it for the first time and that boss is the giant blob like thing. I wouldn't say it's a bug more like a weird balance thing.

but all in all this is fantastic! I wouldn't wanna change a single thing (except for more conteeeeeent!!!!).



Thanks so much! Got some incredibly fun new stuff on the way!

Hi! any plans to make it a full game?

(1 edit)

What an awesome game! However, I think the game balance relies too much on vulnerable debuff as they allow for exponential growing damages to the point it is totally broken (I know all roguelike deckbuilders are all about being broken, but this is too far easy-to-play and broken so other builds aren't interesting). I think buffing other builds and nerfing vulnerable debuff will give them a shine they deserved.

Anyway, I hope to see an expanded version of the game in steam as this is too good to simply be a gamejam submission. Thank You!


Thanks for the positive feedback Auron - appreciate it!

Unfortunately doesn't seem to run on Mac currently (MacBook Pro M1) -

"Shroom and" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.


Hi there. You can tell your mac to trust Shroom and Gloom under your 'Security and privacy Settings', after clicking on the lock icon in the bottom left of the window.

Happy Shrooming!

This game is awesome! The only thing I'd ask (which will most likely get fixed in time) is for a warning when you press escape.. Got all the way to the final boss and wanted to pause but instead it took me to the main menu and I had to start all over again.

So sorry about that ESC issue! It is fixed  in the update we're working on!

hello i loved this game i just wanted to point out that in the selection of "perks" in the first room there is a bug that allows the player to just walk straight and go trough a wall and even out of the audio area 

Hi there. Thanks so much for the positive feedback, and for letting us know about this issue. We've got it fixed on this end, and bug will be squashed in the update we're working on.

Thanks again!

just a question why are there crystals out of the area we are suppose to be, just for curiosity

The Gloom is full of mysteries.

is there a open menu button? audio stuff

Hi there. There isn't a menu in the game.


This game was great! Even tho it was built in a short time, it was really fun and creative. There are many strategies u can play with your deck, I was wondering if there were possibilities if u kept building this game, for more chances later on towards the boss to upgrade the energy as well as the health. this was a fun blast every min that i played. 10/10 for the time put into it, please PLEASE, make more!

What an awesome comment! Thank you so much!

We are working on a little update, and have some really cool stuff planned!

I love this game 10/10 would recommend however I would love to see more content, keep up the good work tho :)

Thanks so much - that's awesome to hear!


Wondering if demo could be played on android

(how cool would that be)

Hi there, thanks for reaching out.

Unfortunately Shroom and Gloom isn't playable on Android.

Super fun game, nice and simple to follow once you know what is what and has so much room for expansion, LOVE IT!

Great to hear that - thank you! Look forward to watching your video!


Absolutely the best of the best indies out there. Loved the atmosphere, the gameplay, the art design. Everything is immaculate and nicely woven into a bow.


This is so cool! Thank you!


Thank you so much! This game was so fun to play!

I love this game! It would be awesome if there was a challenge to see how far you can get. I've found it fairly straightforward to beat the existing content. The game would have a lot more replayability if I could compete with myself to see how strong of a deck I can build. 

A quick way to accomplish this would be to encounter a combat version of the practice dummy after the final boss. See how much damage you can deal in 3 hands or something to that effect and that's your "score" for the run.

It would be even more satisfying to progress through randomly generated encounters after the final boss with a counter to see how many battles you can win. Like Hildebrant's Cellar mode if you're familiar with the game For The King. Randomly generate the enemies and exponentially increase their health and attack power with each battle. You can continue the progression of battle prep battle prep like the existing content or it could just be battle battle battle until you die. Add a little counter to show how many battles you've won and that's your score for the run. If the enemies are growing in strength exponentially then I think the player would have to be vanquished at some point. I would play something like that many times trying to beat my high score. I would even call it a full game at that point!

A gameplay suggestion. I really like the staging/prep deck concept used to shape the combat deck. The combat deck feels strategy heavy and I love it. I would be very impressed if you could bring the prep deck up to the same level, so it feels like I'm trying to build 2 decks. 

Maybe the combat deck can also influence the prep deck? For example: slash for 2 damage and draw an extra card in your next prep deck hand.  There's already some churning possibilities for the prep deck. How do I trim the prep deck? Make it stronger? Combine your cards to dig for treasure twice? Draw extra prep cards at the expense of fewer combat cards? You've done an awesome job with this game so I will leave it up to your imagination.

(1 edit)

Flat out, this game is the first game in a while that had me hooked for this long

The learning curve isn't bad, the amount of ways you can synergize cards to have OP decks, the number of playstyle of decks there, and the fact that with how short of a game it is, you can replay it over and over to fight different enemies, try out different strategies, and just see what kind of madness you can get out of it is amazing

While playing, I didn't encounter any real bugs; I had a few times where enemies would stack over 10 because I wouldn't finish them before they fled, but this honestly made it a necessity to either have "attack all" cards or to finish off enemies quickly. Even after a few games, the shielding enemies that seem to be very difficult were really tame (you just have to focus them down first)

Overall, I would love to see, at the very bare minimum, expansions for more cards, and at most, a full-fledged game

(Here's a playthrough I got recorded where I had an unintentional stall deck, but usually I like playing with growth/sacrifice/"if fatal increase attack" cards)


Keyboard For Shroom And Gloom


Hahaha! Perfect! <3

Great game! Love the visual.

Bug report: you can use "Bash" to Unlock the door even after the door is already unlocked. It would spawn more mob too.

Thanks - that's great to hear!

Thanks for the bug report - we've fixed this issue for our next update!

It took me quite a few tries to finally beat this, but everlasting truffle, weird sacrifice, scythe, and the practice dummy really helped me with the final boss!! Really fun game, I loved the visuals and the gameplay. Absolutely incredible.


Thanks so much for playing, and for the awesome feedback. So good to hear!

Interesting! The practice dummy is awesome, but I've beaten the game without ever using the everlasting truffle nor the scythe.


that's impressive ahah. Truffles are godsend for me

This would be a really great game to turn into a full release! Can't wait to see where you and your team go! 


I'm here from Retromation and this game is incredible! I'd love to see this as a full release, is there a Twitter or something I can follow for updates?

Hi there! Thanks so much for the love!

You've got a few place where you can keep up with Shroom news. We post about it on the Team Lazerbeam twitter:

We're building up a lovely community of shroom fans in it's dedicated channel on the Free Lives discord:

I make some occasional videos about it over on Tik Tok:

Thanks again, and keep in touch!

If only there is a safe point.... but a good game overall!

(1 edit)

That would defeat the point of it being a roguelike :P

Cool game, besides the bit of unbalance(2 shielders = instant death unless you can stallout) the only bug i found is that if you hold w at the starting chest you can just sort of walk out of existance

Hola que tal?, Para cuando va a estar la nueva version del videojuego? me encanto, me pase el juego.

(1 edit)

¡Hola! ¡Estamos bien! Que tal?

¡Me alegra saber que te gustó el juego!

Estamos trabajando en nuestra próxima actualización. No se cuando se hará. Para noticias, puedes unirte a nosotros en Free Lives Discord. O sigue al Equipo Lazerbeam en Twitter.


Hi folks! Thanks for the amazing new wave of attention this little jam game has been getting - it's amazing to see!

Currently traveling through very remote stretches of Namibia, so don't have my usual ability to track and reply to all comments, but just wanna thank everyone who's picking up the game and letting us know what they think of it.

Posted a tiny devlog here:

and a wee Tik Tok about the latest update here:

I'll try check in from the road when I can. Till then!

foul breath is overpowered and so is everlasting truffle, I got my health up to 103 and vulture blade up to 91 attack also with the sacrifices, I got 10 - 20 toasties per turn so foul breath sorta went off and this was on my second run mind you

This game and Decks and Daggers made me realize I REALLY like deck building Dungeon crawlers! Thank you so much for creating a great game! I hope you update it more or even create a full release! Also the art style is to die for! I absolutely love hand drawn art!

A little about myself! I'm Yung MuShu! I'm a creator on Twitch and YouTube with a primary focus on everything Indie and! I want to bring light to games that people may have never heard of before.

Yo Yung MuShu! Lovely meeting you - thanks for featuring our Shroomy baby on your channel. Glad you liked it!


also, using bash on the training dummy softlocks your game


Game's pretty fun and while there are some glitches, they dont affect the normal player. Sad that the game's this short, i would absolutely spend hours of my life playing it. Though, speaking of glitches, here's what happens if you combine some of the games most easy to find bugs(im on the 2nd enemy level)

nice game

What does the O button do? When you press it when you just play then it open the door, but late it seems to duplicate the whole room?

Very cool game! has a lot of potential, the game is easy is not because the enemies are weak but more because the player is very overpowered, for example the training dummy can give you very powerful cards you got lucky. And also the sacrifice cards is kind overpowered when combine with eating and toothpick? I think I drew my whole deck

Wow, this is some impressive draw!

Shroom and gloom isn't a very difficult game, but I don't mean that as a negative.  It's fun to mess around with the different interactions and see how I can roast these mushrooms the next run without having too much pressure to play optimally all the time.  This game has a fun little gimmick and a lot of heart.  I'm excited to see that you're still working on it and I'm sure I'll have a blast with all the future builds too.

very good game with tons of potential, but the shield enemies are far too broken, the only way I was able to win was hard stall with a lot of card drawing and even then I only won because they ran, they can easily stack infinite layers of shield and since there's more than likely multiple enemies on the field, you will die long before you even break one enemies shield, other than that great game and can't wait to see what come's nex

The guys who give their friendlies shield are very annoying. Its very unbalanced but quite enjoyable for a little bit.

Perhaps the most unbalanced game I ever played... but also one with great potential! Keep it up and this could be a great and unique dungeon-crawler.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Absolutely addicted to this game, the art style, and the format. The card synergy is on point,  the music/ambience is perfect, and the variations of enemies makes for an entertaining progression and experience.
Im sure we would all like to see some more love go into this project.
I personally would pay 10-20 dollars for a full fleshed out game with a few additional stages or hours of play, and some more cards.

-potentially a co-op duel mode(same game with extra steps lol)
-add a couple of different stutter effects (fuzz, distortion, chromatic abbaration) to the background when you take  or deal damage.
-maybe different sound effects or animated responses (in enemies) when taking damage
-more cards that enable shuffle and reset type effects
-more cards
-more cards

I totally agree. If they're gonna do the full game I will definitely buy it.

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