Snow Cones Birthday Blowout and 2025 News!

What's up Cone heads?!

Team Lazerbeam checking in with not one, but two sweet bits of Snow Cones news!

Snow Cones 1 & 2 super-sale!

Team Lazerbeam recently turned 10 years old. To celebrate, we've slapped a 100% discount on both Snow Cones 1 and 2!

It's so wild looking back on our journey making games together. making our ice cream cone dating sims free feels like the perfect treat to give back to the fans that have supported us over the years, or to connect with new players who might need some Lazer-magic in their lives!

Announcing Snow Cones 3!

Late last year we got an unexpected post in our Discord.

We had a good laugh about this, having forgotten that Snow Cones 2 ended with a promise that Snow Cones 3 would be out in 2025.

At the time of putting that date in the game, it was a joke, poking fun at how absurdly long it had taken us to finish Snow Cones 2. We threw this gag out into the universe never imagining people would take us seriously. But they did.

Then, on the last day of 2024,  these comments popped up on one of the most popular Snow Cones let's play:

Since then we've received a bunch of messages and comments asking for Snow Cones 3.

While we're primarily still fully committed to development on our  current project Shroom and Gloom, we're stoked to share that plans are brewing for Snow Cones 3. We can't say much about it at this stage, but for now we can reveal that there will be a third installment in the Snow Cones saga, and that it will drop in 2025.

Our eternal thanks to everyone that's encouraged us to make this happen. It's so heartwarming to know that there's so much love for these silly little games.

We'll check back in with news as things develop. Till then, stay rad everybody!

Love and High Fives.
Team Lazerbeam

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