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I just created an account to comment. This is the first card game I played and it is so much fun. I beat it around 6th or 7th time. Having different strategies just tickles my brain. 

The only problem I faced were I mistakenly restarted the game by pressing ESC (my habit actually) and a bug where you can unlock a door multiple time (by actively unlocking the door more than once). That slows down the game like a turd and somehow made the next door to have multiple locks (to which I cannot proceed).

Overall, really fun. Glad to have something really entertaining for free for a change.

Awesome! Honored that this was your first card game! Do be sure to check out the other excellent games that came before because there have been some absolute gems in this genre!

I'm sooooo sorry for the headaches with hitting ESC. I (Ben) have personally totally also run into this and it's an awful feeling losing a run because of it. We will 100% be adding a little "are you sure you want to quit" pop up to save people from this in the future.

The double bashing on doors is also an issue we're aware of, and it will also be fixed in our next update. Thanks for letting us know and helping us make this the best game we can!


Also, would it be possible to implement a save system as a countermeasure for game crashes?


As someone who plays too many card games whether it's Griftlands, Slay the Spire, Rogue Adventure, Buddyfight, Vanguard, Little Witch in the Woods, Shadowverse, Hearthstone, etc...(I rest my case), the shift in perspective from being distant from the action to being in the front seat quite honestly scratched an itch that I would've never thought I had. It was really an experience to be had. I mean, starting up the game at the entrance of the cave it just seemed like a simplistic CCG, but as soon as I pressed W, I was almost immediately sucked into the game's surreal mushroom world. Having that slew of options to add to my arsenal as I built up my deck during a run was so much fun I couldn't help but stroll back down that tunnel after all those defeats. But, it wasn't really the card game itself that entranced me. Rather the unexpected richness that waited behind for me behind each door as I cut down and burned the shrooms that lied waiting for me. There weren't many colors, sound effects, graphical effects but it was artistic and unique enough to not have to bank on those things for the immersive experience that it was. Having so much potential to be a known title amongst other CCG I'd really love to be able to carry this experience onto consoles, VR, TI-Calculators, or any other platforms if your team were to pursue that route. Anyways, thanks for this unexpected treat of a game. Can't wait for what's to come from your team in the future.

-Average Card Game Enthusiast

Damn, this is just the greatest comment we could receive.

From the very bottom of our shroomy hearts, thank you so very much for playing, and for taking the time to put together this wonderful bit of feedback. It means the world to us!

PS: To answer your follow up question, save game would definitely be on the cards for a future update! Thank you for the suggestion!


I loved this game. The amount of ways you can make yourself overpowered provides so much replay value. I did beat this game and was sad to find out that you could not fight the final boss. I hope this can become a fully-fledged game one day, it is incredible.

Amazing - thank you!

High fives on beating the game in it's current form!


Such a blast!!  Game is extremely enjoyable and gives you such a fun feel to a small dungeon crawler!  I hope you continue to develop and add more content!! 

Thanks so much - lovely to hear! We've definitely got some cool ideas for more content in the future, so keep in touch!

This game is freaking awesome guys!!! I've beat it my third try but each time I played it I'm discovering something new, Its so fun to figure out combinations for the cards. I really wish the game would repeat after you beat the last boss so you can continue to experiment with the combination. I know you guys built it in 14 days but its really smart and what you guys have here is unique . It also has so much potential. Cant wait for the updates if you continue to move forward with the project. 

BTW - the upgrade for the cards seems like a great idea but honestly you really don't much time to get a good upgraded card cause you go through the levels fast. By the time you get to the end and the time you spend upgrading the card its really not worth it. The frog is great to get rid of lower value cards and the fire is good to sacrifice more cards to get better cards. 

I suggest adding a tier system for cards. So we feel more rewarded when we dig up a treasure and find a legendary card!

Good - Level 1 

Great - Level 2 

Epic - Level 3 

Legendary - level 4 

Thanks for the amazing game. Hope 2022 is the great year  for you guys!

Hi RavenAce!

Thanks heaps for playing, and passing along this encouraging feedback - it really means so much hearing this kinda thing from players.

High fives on being able to beat the game after only 3 attempts. I know it's currently tough as nails for most folks who pick it up, so you've definitely done well being able to get all the way on your third run!

Hope you also have an awesome 2022, and thanks once again for the support!

(1 edit)

I got stuck at the 4th stage on many attempts, some power-ups or items are useful to beat the monsters.

Great game, I enjoy playing it.

Happy New Year!^^

Hi GlitchBear! Happy new year to you too!

Thanks for playing and sharing the game on your channel.

Not sure if you're keen to get some help, but after doing a quick scan through your video I noticed a few areas where I could offer some helpful tips. Read on if you're keen...

1. Always be sure to collect a card from the chest in the first chamber. The 3 options that you get are total game changers and can combo really well with the rest of the cards you'll collect on your adventure.
2. If you collect a lockpick you can play it on locked doors. This will save you from losing valuable HP by bashing doors down.
3. Sequencing is super important. Considering your draw alongside the health, statuses and upcoming actions of your enemies, try think about the optimal sequence to play your hand. This will always change based on the situation, but there are some strategies that are always good to keep in mind. Roast weak enemies into toasties to keep your HP up, and try your best to meet the conditions that will help your cards trigger bonuses or grow more powerful.
4. Growth on cards is persistent, so try build up some strong attacks early on. As you progress past the first boss you'll face increasingly tough challenges. Having a few reliable ways of picking enemies off will go a long way towards beating the game!

Thanks again for playing, and good luck with your future runs!


Thank you so much for the tips, I'll keep those in mind for round 2!

Happy New Year!

I'm liking the direction the update is taking the game.

Was wondering if the scaredy cat mechanic could have a limit? 

Several times have I gotten stuck at the first boss due to overwhelming force. Call it bad RNG on my part but I can see it turning some people off. 

Happy 2022 Digital Tanner!

Glad you're enjoying the update!

We're definitely going to keep refining how fleeing enemies and veterans will work. Might try something out where it takes a few turns to flee, giving you some more time to deal with enemies before they escape.

I was surprised to see you landed up facing so many veterans by the time you reached the first boss. (Quite an impressive group you gathered there!)

I'm Guessing spell shielding was causing a lot of difficulty in dealing with enemies? If I can offer a small tip, be sure to pick off enemies before they're shielded, or focus your all efforts on dealing with units that generate shields before they ruin your day.

Let us know if you're still struggling with future runs. I'm toying with the idea of making a little strategy guide video to help people out, but don't know if that might take away some of the fun of players figuring things out themselves.

Thanks for playing, and good luck on future journeys through The Underealm!


My typical tactic is taking out the smaller enemies then tackling the shield guys. Obviously it makes more sense to reduce the numbers especially when the player has only 3 attacks and the shield guy starts the fight with 2 shields already. The problem in that photo came from two events:

1) one of the enemies would always instantly flee whenever I attacked, with him doing the "flee when attacked" mechanic each time I faced him so I ended up chasing him through several battles up to that point in the photo (the angry individual in the middle if you're curious). But as you can see he wasn't the only one I chased up to the boss level. 

2) the first shield guy I ran into fled after a few attacks and I ended up fighting two shield guys later on who perpetually boosted their shields until one fled again and I could focus battling the other - praying he didn't flee either. Luckily he didn't, but still resulted in a massive boss fight. 

I played for about an hour and similar results would occur. Again, maybe just bad luck on my part. I understand the flee mechanic is to prevent exploiting card mechanics and I think it's a winner, but maybe veterans only occur after the first boss or appear only once or can't flee?  Either way still loving the game!

Ah, thanks for letting us know about how you landed up facing so many veterans. It really is super valueable for us getting this kind of feedback so we can get a sense of how players are experiencing the game.

We definitely will be refining the flee mechanics. Might even add in some items that can trap shrooms and prevent them from running off.

Thanks again and wishing you the best of luck on future runs!

(1 edit)

Goddamn, I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. The art style really adds the atmosphere for a dungeon-type card game like this. Loved the strats you could go for, although it took me a while to get a hang of obsessive. It works considerably well if you have glutton and fever on hand. It took me just as much time to figure out how to work the setup camp card but after that, my bag of toasties and I were set. 

I did find an interesting loophole in the game, however- At the very end of the game I had two vicarious maces, and once one grew, the other did as well. I ended up with 10k dmg maces, it was mindboggling lmao. Whether it's a bug or not, that was a very fun titbit to find out. That poor boss at the very end of the tunnel tho, he didn't see it coming XD.

Overall this game is wonderful. If there'll be a full game, then I'd die to play it. I'm still planning on finding out new strategies, although my favourite one has to be the toothpick + wormwood one. Thank you so much for making this, best of luck to you all if you do plan on expanding it!

Hiya! Thanks so much for this wonderful comment - it means so much getting such encouraging feedback!

High fives on putting in the effort to figure out some strats for Obsessive! We're planning to add in more cards and features that will maximise the potential fun of builds that focus on loads of draw and playing heaps of cards each turn, but very cool to hear you already got onto some cool combos with Glutton and Fever!

Also, isn't toothpick and wormwood just a blast?!

The mace loop you found definitely wasn't intentional, and has subsequently been fixed in our latest 'Good Soup' update. The update also adds a bunch of new edibles, so your toothpick-based runs should be even more fun in future!

More details on the update here:

Thanks again for the great feedback!


This game rules! Love the theme and tight design. There are already some very fun builds. Toothpick strats ftw!

I encourage you to expand it! 

Yo Z Bill!

Thanks heaps for this - great to hear!

High fives on being a toothpick fan! You've clearly got some fine taste!

(1 edit) (+2)

Really nice and promising game!

BUG I found: You can bash already open door and beside some visual bugs happening it will also spawn additional enemies (edit. more locks will appear on next door and you can't progress after fight). You can also bash already open chest to get more rewards.


Oh wow, that is a doozie of a bug!

Thank you so much for bringing that to our attention - will get that squashed as soon as we can!

Great game! My tiny bit of feedback would be to suggest adding an option to check your deck at any point. A new update has been added at the time of writing this comment, which added some more cards and mechanics, and I'll be looking forward to more updates! I haven't managed to make 'Obsessive' work yet, but I'll try my darndest to!  


Thanks for the encouraging comment!

Of the three core play styles we imagined (growth-based, food-based & draw-based) we realise that draw-based is currently the least powerful/ least fun, but we do plan to rectify that in the future.  We're hard at work thinking about how Obsessive can be improved on,  and have some very cool cards on the way that have been designed to combo with a draw-focused deck.

We're also very keen to build in a system for viewing your deck, so you can look forward to that coming in a future update too!

Thanks again!

Thanks for the reply! Can't wait to see where this game is going, best of luck  to you with the development!


Thank yoouuuuu!

(2 edits)

amazing game! i had the sword that did more damage as it killed and ended up doing nearly 300 damage to the final boss with a few support cards. I hope u guys make this a full game at some point

Yo! Thanks so much for playing, and for taking the time to pass on this comment. So glad to hear you liked the game so much. High fives on building up that monster sword!

Hi, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful for the further development of the game.

-The concept of the game and it's execution overall it's very good and interesting.

-The gameplay mechanics and how they can have influence in the development of the "run"/ some elements of the level and even some other gameplay mechanics it's really good and solid, BUT I'll say that the difficulty progresion/curve it's quite strange as I felt that it wasn't there until the game started to get way to hard in a few battles.

-Visually the game has a really good art style that combined with the pretty clear UI makes it very eyecatching and enjoyable.

In conclusion, the idea is great and I hope you keep working on it. Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Hey hey! Left you a comment over on youtube, but just wanted to say thanks again for playing and sharing with people!

Great to hear you had such a good time with the game, and really appreciate the feedback - it really does help us a lot!

You are welcome ^^, thanks for the comment in youtube :D

You are welcome ^^, thanks for the comment in youtube :D

hey, i think i found a bug. i had vicorous mace and fever in hand and no cards left in my deck. when i buffed vicorous mace with a card fever tried drawing a card, failed to do so and then it just keeps repeating this causing the mace to endlessly grow

Hi there

Thanks for letting us know - we are aware of this infinite growth loop and we'll have it fixed in out first update.

Thanks again for the helpful feedback!

(1 edit)

a fun game! I've done two runs so far- one for toothpick and one for obsessive, and the way my playstyle shifted for each was fun. 

Only real complaint is the lack of a mute button, but that's easily resolved on this side, and a fairly niche issue.

Hi there! Thanks for playing, and for the positive feedback! We will try work in an audio controls menu in the future!

Fun little game.  I keep getting beaten by the large boss who keeps increasing his shields.  I didn't find any bugs in my playthroughs of the game.  Keep up the good work.

Thanks for playing, and for the nice comment- appreciate it!

This was a lot of fun. You did an incredible job at creating a card game that was easy to learn but gave the right amount of difficulty. 

Thanks so much! Great hearing that you felt the difficulty level was right! We wanted to create a sense of the game being challenging, but also wanted to give players opportunities to feel like they could build really powerful combos!


This game is insanely fun. I have been very interested in rouge-like card games so I've been playing games like darkest dungeon, slay the spire or inscryption. This game is one of the best. I like the aesthetics of the game and the combat is quite simple to understand. The randomness doesn't feel punishing but rewarding actually. I love that there is 2 phases one being the battle and the exploring. It is unique on it's own and actually got me playing many times. Loved it and hope you continue making more games as fun or even more fun than this :D!


Wow, thanks so much! This is just awesome to hear!

Very glad that you appreciated the two different decks for different parts of the game!


one of the best games since slay the spire ! we all want more :) of all 3 cards we can get at the very beginning, the one that increase damage seems really more powerful than the 2 others. The toothpick one is nice but not that useful, getting rotten toothpick is hard, cos you gotta have 2 cards in hand. The drawing card would be ok if a card would be drawn every card played after the fourth. Anyway, the first choice of card is a very good idea, it's like a "choose your class" from classic rpg.

Thanks so much - this was such a great comment to receive!

Very glad to hear that the initial three card choice landed well with you. Creating a sense of establishing a character class is exactly what we were going for!

Toothpicks can definitely be a ton of fun, and combo very nicely with a few of the other combat cards. We've been thinking a lot about how to improve on "Obsessive" and the draw-focused builds that we're hoping it will inspire. Hoping we can get it to feel just as powerful and fun as going with a growth-based build!

This is so good!

Thank you!

which is the newest download?

Hi Zerxil, sorry to only be catching your question now. The windows and Mac builds are equally recent.

OMG is this game good <3<3<3<3<3

Thaaaaaanks! <3 <3 <3


really cool game no idea how you made it so fast. had a lot of fun eating my enemies.

Thank you! We're honestly also pretty surprised by how well things turned out given how little time we had to make the game!

Glad to hear the idea of being able to eat your enemies was appreciated!

Had an absolute blast! It took me several tries but I finally won with 3 hp remaining, a very satisfying game


Awesome! So stoked to hear that!

High fives on making it all the way!

So much fun! Can not beat it, but came pretty close a few times! Definitely has a lot of replay value :]


Thanks for playing and commenting. Great to hear that you had fun with it (and that it isn't too easy!)

(2 edits) (+1)

Developers, the game is amazing and not adding more would be a sin and will make dolphins cry.  

Please don't sit on this game too long. I was very impressed with what I played and can see this game blowing up if it moves past this initial stage.

 Even with the design loopholes everyone is figuring out (with the main one being fighting an enemy who doesn't attack and exploiting card rules-I got a card up to over 450 damage after grinding) I think the big make-or-break mechanic will be how dying is approached. 

Some sort of mechanic to get a card you built up back will make it worth playing again. Maybe add a shop keeper that sells 3 of your old cards picked randomly? Or a shroom token to turn in for one of your old cards?  Something. Anything. Anyway, keep it up!

Hi Digital Tanner!

Thanks so much for playing, creating this video, and dropping by to leave this thoughtful and encouraging comment! Really appreciate all the enthusiasm, and we'd certainly love to work on this thing a bit more to avoid making any dolphins cry!

(1 edit)

A long and boring exploit to get so much MaxHP.
Don't attack dat bird and always press a "End Turn" button to use the Everlasting Card.

(1 edit)

This is cool


no problem


Loved the game deck builders are so fun art style is  fantastic!! to bad didn't have enough time to try and beat it but great none the less.

Thanks so much for playing, and sharing this video. Looking forward to giving it a watch!

Hope you make it through all the mushrooms on your next attempt!


this game is dang fung
Modify system was a very pleasant surprise!

Big props to the 2D effects, adding to this games dirty chthonic charm

Woo! Thanks heaps Steamhat!


This was surprisingly great for a game that was made in 14 days. You guys really know what you're doing. Anyway, I can't imagine what you could of pulled off with more time/resources. Unfortunately,  I couldn't beat the game but I had a blast playing regardless. I'll be watching you guys very closely.


Wow, what a lovely comment! Thanks so much, that's very encouraging to hear!

Looking forward to watching your video! Thanks for playing and sharing with people!

Love the game. There is this weird bug if you have 2 maces, they upgrad each other, creating an infinite loop (cf video). Great job anyway, was cool.

Hey! Thanks for letting us know about this; we'll be sure to fix this in our next update!

Made a video

Awww yeah! Been looking forward to this one!

Hope you guys enjoy it and really had a lot of fun playing it. Also would really like to see this game expanded more.

yet another deck builder 

god i love these types of games

Just gave this a watch! Thanks so much - it's so cool getting to see this!

Eben on the musics - yes please ! 

What a dude! Very grateful that we get to make cool stuff together!

Take a look at Plubertium if you wanna catch up on our previous collab with him!

Very fun game! I did find what may be a small bug tho; when you have 2 Vicarious Maces in your hand, and increase the damage of any other card, the 2 Vicarious Maces will increase the damage of each other ad infinitum. I stepped away from my computer for a minute to show my friend and both Vicarious Maces ended up doing >2000 damage lol. I was able to beat the final boss very easily though!

not so much a bug as a design loophole lol


Hahaha! Thanks for letting us know about that!

We originally had an issue where the Vicarious Mace would create an infinite loop because of it's own damage growth. We fixed that, but didn't consider the possibility of two of them infinitely buffing each other. Will have a think on how we can fix this. Looks like the mace might have to become a\our first legendary weapon, limited to one card per run.

Thanks again for letting us know, and thank you for playing. Great to hear that you had such a good time with it!

Nice Game !!

Thank you Kumama!

this is an awesome game! rare time I find a good game when sorting by new lmao

Haha! Thanks so much - really appreciate that!

Have fun roasting mushrooms!


great work! happy to see the itch page up.

Thank you!

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